The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”

- Maria Montessori


Our Mission

At St. Dunstan’s Montessori School, we provide children with a safe, loving, joyful learning environment following the principles defined by Maria Montessori. We are a dedicated community of well educated adults with a passion for teaching and a love of children. We believe in the highest potential of every child and believe that every child is “a hope and a promise for humankind.” We are a faith based community following the traditional Christian principles where love and acceptance are the foundation for all interactions. In our holistic approach to education, we seek to develop the child’s whole personality through the academic, emotional, socially conscious and spiritual foundations to carry into adulthood impacting the world around them.

“The child is both a hope and a promise for humankind.”
— Maria Montessori